Please ensure that your pet has had nothing to eat after midnight on the evening prior to admission. (This does not apply to rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice and hamsters who should have access to food at all times). You may give access to water until you arrive at the surgery, unless otherwise directed by a veterinary surgeon or a veterinary nurse.
It is helpful if you give your pet a chance to go to the toilet before you bring him/her into the Clinic.
Animals are normally admitted between 8.30am and 9.30am unless by prior arrangement.
If your pet is due to have an operation, a veterinary surgeon will usually see you with your pet to give him/her a pre-surgery health check before admission.
If you have any questions regarding your pet's operation or procedure to be performed, the veterinary surgeon will be pleased to discuss this with you.
Before admission, you will be asked to sign a Consent Form. Please read this carefully and make sure that you understand fully the procedures which are to be performed.
As part of our commitment to your pet's health and to minimise the risk of any surgical procedure, we will offer the opportunity for your pet to have a pre-anaesthetic blood test. This will help to identify any underlying medical conditions which may pose a risk to your pet during the procedure to be carried out. This blood test will usually be performed on the day before the surgical procedure is carried out.
Please also be sure to check that your personal details are correct and that we have a daytime telephone number where we can contact you.
All animals admitted to the Clinic will have a neck tag applied (similar to the wrist tags human patients are required to wear in hospitals) to ensure correct identification at all times. Cats will usually be transferred into one of our own Clinic baskets before transfer to the kennel room. Dogs will have their own leads replaced with a Clinic slip lead. Collars on both dogs and cats are retained on the patient.
Unless instructed otherwise, please telephone the Clinic between 3.00pm and 4.00pm to find out how your pet is and to make arrangements for discharge and collection where appropriate.
Please remember to bring your pet's own lead or basket when you come to collect.
You will receive further instructions on caring for your pet after his/her operation when you collect him/her.
An appointment will be made for you for follow-up appointments and re-examinations as necessary.
If you have any other queries regarding the admission procedure, please contact the Clinic.